Trimpley SC Training Day Report – Sep 2022

It was great to have Gill and Chris Beddow back at Trimpley Sailing Club to run a much anticipated GP14 training session. Sixteen club members signed up for the session with a diverse group ranging in age from 11 through to their 70s, and compromising of 9 male and 7 female sailors. The wish list for training was a big ask of Gill and Chris to cater for those new to the class, those considering their next move after youth classes, keen club racers and right through to a couple of World Championship participants.
Everyone was rigged and ready for a prompt 10am start of a classroom session accompanied with tea and biscuits. The plan for the morning was outlined and we were all tasked to take away 5 things from the day to work on in our sailing in the month ahead. Helming and crewing best practice was covered before we were all sent out to give these a go whilst following a triangular course. With on the water coaching as we proceeded everyone immediately benefited from Gill and Chris’s expert knowledge.

Next up was a follow-the-leader session. By now the wind had picked up and testing all to put into practice the techniques discussed to slow down. Each lead boat received some specific tips from Gill and Chris ahead in the safety boat before peeling off for the next person’s turn. Everyone went off to lunch happy with the morning’s achievements.
The afternoon session began with a theory session to discuss start line strategies. With line bias covered and with slowing down techniques practiced in the morning everyone headed back out on the water. Trimpley wind, which is notoriously changeable, obliged for the afternoon by being unusually consistent. With repeated start sequences practiced the improvement from all was outstanding. Within 20 minutes the group went from being a long way off the line to fighting for position and crossing the line within seconds of the start and each other. A few short races followed bringing the time on the water to an end.
A de-briefing followed though Gill and Chris weren’t quite yet able to depart as a final land-based spinnaker session was squeezed in. A few final tips for all to take away.
A big thank you to Gill and Chris for a thoroughly enjoyable and informative day and thank you too to Trimpley Sailing Club GP14 fleet captain Keith Budden for organising the session.