Forums Forum Scam on boat purchase – a warning

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    • #15705

      I have a classified on site for the sale of my boat. I received this email from a David Joy (

      “Dear Sir,
      I am writing you in finding out more about your item and the asking price if there is a discount and if still available for sale.and why do you want to sold it?”

      Really? Obviously a top notch enquiry and I will be running in the opposite direction…..

      And another equally obvious one this time by
      Hello Seller,I want to know if this still available for sale,If still
      get back to me with your asking price and the present condition of it.

      Thanks and Get back”

      That would be after it is very clear in the advert on price and condition……! Thanks but no thanks.

      • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by chrishawkes.
    • #15707
      Chris Hearn

      Hi Chris,

      Good idea to post this warning in the forum – I agree with you that those replies do not “sound right”.

      I hope all members posting ads will be similarly cautious, and that is why I put some basic advice onto the form for submitting an advert.

      As you will appreciate there is a balance between making our classifieds accessible with seller information and attracting scammers. I am glad you were alert, and no harm done – and hope the Worlds is treating you well 🙂

      Best Regards

      GP14 Webmaster

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