Forums Forum Mounting outboard engine options

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    • #20098

      I would be grateful of any guidance that could be given on options  for the sizing and mounting of an outboard engine to our GP14 (sail 9992).  I have seen some articles where holes are drilled into the transom to secure the outboard support plate so that the plate can be removed for when sailing.

      I have seen some boats fitted with  offset V profile brackets for the outboard mounting.

      Other options?  What is best?

      Thanks Rob Child






    • #20107
      Oliver Shaw

      First,  have a look at the paper on this topic,  in the Members’ Area of this site.   I think that will answer most of your questions.

      As regards size,  the boat was originally envisaged as taking a Seagull,  which when not in use could be stowed beneath the stern deck.   (Note that the design,  in 1949,  predated the Class requirement for positive reserve buoyancy,  which was not required until 1952;   so the space beneath the stern deck was indeed originally available for carrying a short shaft outboard.)

      A modern 2 or 2.5 h.p. would be a good compromise between power and bulk and weight for many people,  but if you do wish to go for something larger I suggest that the maxima given in that paper are precisely that,  maxima;   most owners would want something smaller.

      The attached photo is for an indication of size only,  and the motor drives the boat very adequately in Poole Harbour.    She is an elderly GP14 belonging to a friend of mine,  and has been converted to harbour launch duties;   you are unlikely to want this method of attachment!

      Hope this is helpful.



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    • #20109
      Oliver Shaw

      I have just discovered that the file on this site for the paper that I mentioned is an old version,  and I have since updated it.

      The attachment is the current version,  and I will organise updating the one in the Members’ Library.



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    • #20118
      Chris Hearn

      Thanks for the update Oliver, the website is now updated to point to the latest version!
      See the item on this page in the Members Library:

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Chris Hearn.
    • #20126

      Many thanks for the guidance. The mission we have for our boat is also around Poole Harbour.


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