Youth Training Week 2021

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2021 E Howard Davies Youth Training Week
Sponsored by Craftinsure and Robline UK
Sunday 24th October to Friday 29th October 2021 – Plas Menai National Outdoor Centre, Caernarfon, Gwynedd.
The Craftinsure and E Howard-Davies GP14 Youth Training Week is an advanced race training course run over five days for helms and crews able to demonstrate racing competency and a desire to compete at GP14 championships. Sailors must also be under 22 on 31 Dec 2021.
Each day we have a guest coach associated with the GP14 Class who have specific skills to give a week of 1st class training.
We are pleased to announce our Guest Coaches:
- Phil Hodgkins from Ginger boats;
- Sam Watson, current National Champion;
- Chris White, current World Champion Crew;
- Ian Dobson, multi Championship winner; and
- James Goodfellow, previous GP14 Youth Champion and top 10 Championship sailor.
- We are also welcoming Ali Young 3 x Laser Radial Olympian for a zoom meeting one evening to talk about the importance of fitness and Sport Psychology.
From the International GP14 Association a big thank you to all our Coaches for giving up their time