Congratulations on getting yourself a GP14.
Generally there are a few ways of learning this sort of thing – going on a dinghy sailing course, which will teach you the basics like what all the bits of rope and wire are and do, being a member of a sailing club where there are people there to help you, getting a dinghy sailing book, books which will show you in diagrams how to rig boats, or looking on the internet for online (and free) dinghy sailing courses, where there will be explanations of how things go.
Depending on your preferred method of learning, where you are in the country (or the world), you may choose one method over another.
The best way of getting support from an online forum is to take pictures of what you are looking at, and then the collective brains can help you with specific questions. If we know roughly where you are in the country or the world, we might be able to put you in touch with someone local to you who can help.
…or, as Oliver recommends, take a look at the resources on the site.
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by